Chase Sullivan

Wrongfully killed by police


On August 31, 2018, a heart-wrenching incident occurred that forever changed the lives of Chase Sullivan's family and friends. Responding to a welfare check, two Fairview, TN police officers, Jamey Meadows and Jordan Whaley, took actions that resulted in the death of Chase, who was alone in his own home. The lack of accountability in the investigation has left the family seeking justice and change within the system. This narrative seeks to shed light on the events and advocate for the justice they deserve.

The Tragic Event:

On that fateful day, Jamey Meadows and Jordan Whaley, responding to a welfare check, forcefully broke down the door of Chase Sullivan's private home. In a distressing turn of events, they shot him three times, tragically taking his life, including one shot to his back. Devastatingly, the body camera worn by one of the officers mysteriously had corrupted data, leaving only one side of the story available.

Lack of Accountability:

Despite the immense loss and questionable circumstances, the District Attorney, Kim Helper, and the "grand jury" decided not to hold the officers accountable. Shockingly, they absolved the officers of any wrongdoing, allowing them to return to duty with no consequences.

Seeking Justice:

The family and friends of Chase Sullivan are united in their call for justice and accountability. They firmly believe that the police officers involved, Jamey Meadows and Jordan Whaley, must face prosecution for their actions. The loss of a life demands more than just a return to duty; it requires acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Calls for Action:

In pursuit of justice, the following demands have been made:

  • Termination from law enforcement: Jamey Meadows and Jordan Whaley should not be allowed to serve in positions of authority after their actions resulted in the tragic loss of life.
  • Prosecution of Jamey Meadows and Jordan Whaley for murder: The officers must be held accountable for their actions in a court of law.
  • Compensation for Chase's family: The city of Fairview, TN must provide substantial financial restitution to Chase's daughter and mother. This compensation is not only a gesture of recognition for their loss but also an incentive for the city to prioritize hiring practices, training, and body camera usage.


The death of Chase Sullivan was a tragic event that cannot be ignored or swept under the rug. The lack of accountability in the investigation has left his family and friends seeking justice. By demanding prosecution, termination, and compensation, they hope to create change within the system to prevent such devastating incidents in the future. It is a collective call for a more responsible and just law enforcement system that values the sanctity of human life above all else.

More Details

Chase was alone in his home, feeling overwhelmed and heavily sedated with substances like alcohol, Benadryl, and prescribed antidepressants. Troubling text messages he sent to his aunt raised serious concerns about his well-being, leading her to reach out for help. She attempted to call a suicide hotline, but unfortunately, it was unavailable at the time. In her desperation, she called 911, requesting a welfare check to ensure Chase's safety.

When the call reached the authorities, two Fairview, TN police officers were dispatched to respond to the welfare check. Upon arriving at Chase's home, his best friend was already present, hoping to assist the situation and help his friend. He pleaded with the officers to allow him to talk to Chase first, but they insisted on taking immediate action, forcibly breaking down the door to gain entry, without adequate consideration of the potential risks involved.

The police officers entered Chase's darkened home, their guns drawn and flashlights on, which could have been intimidating and confusing to Chase, who had likely been awakened by the loud noise and commotion. In the stressful situation, he grabbed a knife, feeling threatened by the sudden intrusion of strangers into his own home. The officers responded by pointing their guns and lights at him, and tragically, they shot him several times, including in the back, leading to his immediate death.

The District Attorney's decision not to press charges against the officers, despite the circumstances surrounding Chase's death, raises significant concerns about accountability and transparency within the law enforcement system. Moreover, the inexplicable corruption of one officer's body cam data only adds to the suspicions and lack of trust in the investigation process.

It is crucial to recognize that a welfare check should never escalate into a fatal confrontation. Mental health crises require sensitive and thoughtful responses, and police officers should be adequately trained to handle such situations without resorting to lethal force whenever possible. Non-lethal options, like tasers and de-escalation techniques, could have been employed to prevent the tragic outcome.

Chase's untimely death is a stark reminder of the urgent need for improved training and protocols for law enforcement when dealing with mental health emergencies. Our thoughts go out to Chase's family and friends, who have had to endure this devastating loss. The pursuit of justice and reform in such cases remains essential to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

About Chase

Chase Sullivan was a loving individual, born on September 22, 1981, who brought joy and warmth into the lives of those around him. At the time of his passing, he was 36 years old, with a promising future ahead. He was deeply devoted to his family, and his sudden departure left a void that can never be filled.

At the heart of Chase's world was his 11-year-old daughter, whom he cherished more than anything else. As a father, he was actively involved in her life, providing unwavering support, love, and guidance. Chase took great pride in being there for her every step of the way, cheering her on during her triumphs and offering comfort during challenging times.

His mother played a significant role in his life, and he shared a special bond with her that was built on love and mutual understanding. Chase's brother was not only his sibling but also his closest friend and confidante. Their relationship was a source of strength and laughter, and they were inseparable through thick and thin.

Beyond his immediate family, Chase was also deeply connected to a large network of relatives and friends. His infectious smile, caring nature, and witty sense of humor endeared him to all who had the privilege of knowing him. He had the remarkable ability to make people feel valued and appreciated, creating a sense of belonging wherever he went.

Chase had a passion for life, always seeking new adventures and experiences. He loved exploring the outdoors, taking long hikes in nature, and finding solace in its beauty. His genuine interest in others and their stories made him an incredible listener and a trusted confidante. He was the kind of person who would lend a helping hand without hesitation and never hesitated to offer his support to those in need.

The tragic events of August 31, 2018, cut short Chase's life far too soon, leaving his loved ones grappling with immense grief and loss. The pain of his absence is felt deeply by all who held him close to their hearts. Though he is no longer physically present, his memory lives on through the stories, laughter, and cherished moments shared with him.

The legacy of Chase Sullivan is one of love, compassion, and kindness. Those who knew him remember him as a light in their lives, and the impact he had on their hearts will never fade. As his family and friends seek justice for his untimely passing, they also carry the responsibility of preserving his memory and ensuring that his life was not in vain.

May the memory of Chase Sullivan be forever etched in the hearts of those who loved him, and may their pursuit of justice serve as a testament to the enduring power of love and the fight for accountability in the face of tragedy.

Notes and Letters on Chase

Jill Hart
  • When I heard the news of Chase's passing I was completely heartbroken. We dated for about a year about 7 or 8 years ago but always remained friends. That's just the kind of guy he was. He was so kind hearted and silly. He always had me laughing about the dumbest things. His goal in life was to take care of his mother and daughter. He was always so worried about them. Yes he would have his moments where he was feeling down but who doesn't?? He cared so much about his family and had a hard time coping with the loss of his sister, to be expected. He still had big dreams and such a zest for life. His passing was so tragic and completely unnecessary. I can only pray for his family and hope he is finally at peace with his sister, Melody.
Kandy King
Candi Davis

How to Help

Please call the following people and demand justice:

  • Governor of Tennessee - Bill Lee, 615-741-2001
  • Tennessee Senator - Lamar Alexander, 202-224-4944
  • Tennessee Senator - Marsha Blackburn, 202-224-3344
  • Tennessee 7th congressional district representative - Mark Green, 202-225-2811